I am an extreme n00b and am by no means a serious player, as I am only playing through the main quest and not worrying about any extras. I'm also not focusing much on gear (which I recognize might be part of my problem). Even though I'm not that serious, I still want to be useful on the mandatory party raids, and as of right now, I'm not. I am running stance and using the provoke skill to keep my enmity high, but I keep dying and being a burden to the rest of the party.
I'm a level 56 Paladin, and on the Crystal Tower series yesterday, I repeatedly got one-shotted and had to be revived by my party to the point that they were having to restrategize for someone else to act as the tank. On the Syrcus Tower, I only died twice, but the second time (both on the final battle), the just let me lie there dead until the fight was over.
So some very basic questions here that have left me totally perplexed:
1. How do I keep getting one-shotted when no one else does? In the King Behemoth fight, I kept getting killed with 9999 HP damage out of nowhere, but this didn't seem to happen to anyone else. Is it just because I hadn't run the dungeon before and didn't know the patterns?
2. Is it generally better to wait to be revived or to start back at the start of the dungeon and rejoin the fight?
3. Why was there a big concentric square over my character while he was lying there dead?
4. At one point someone called me a "crappy RPR tank" and I have no idea what that means.
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I'm a level 56 Paladin, and on the Crystal Tower series yesterday, I repeatedly got one-shotted and had to be revived by my party to the point that they were having to restrategize for someone else to act as the tank. On the Syrcus Tower, I only died twice, but the second time (both on the final battle), the just let me lie there dead until the fight was over.
So some very basic questions here that have left me totally perplexed:
1. How do I keep getting one-shotted when no one else does? In the King Behemoth fight, I kept getting killed with 9999 HP damage out of nowhere, but this didn't seem to happen to anyone else. Is it just because I hadn't run the dungeon before and didn't know the patterns?
2. Is it generally better to wait to be revived or to start back at the start of the dungeon and rejoin the fight?
3. Why was there a big concentric square over my character while he was lying there dead?
4. At one point someone called me a "crappy RPR tank" and I have no idea what that means.
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