Hate POL


Hates you all
Frozen when I get back, boots me, then still doesn't let me get on after however many tries. Lovely! :arg:

Sorry Sargeras and Shalk ><
I still wub you Aida. Come over and I'll make you some Irish Breakfast Tea.
Yeah.... my internet service has been acting stupid for the past week now....keeps kicking me off and junk.....stupid cox.....
Ooh, I've never had that Shalk. I hope that's an actual tea and not some terrible euphemism is it?

Cox has been terrible to me too Koul, whereabouts do you live again? I know other people in the southern California area have been having sub-par service.

Condolences Jotaru, I don't even consider AOL a valid internet service really, I laughed when I was playing PSO during a sort of timed "Kill as much as possible" quest and it said, "You've killed 100 monsters! You're fast! You must be using AOL!"