Happy Birthday Tarnak

Happy Birthday Tarnak

pitlith tries to bite me ; ; :(

heh and thank you guys probably not doing anything to celebrate it though ^^
Tarn's b-day gift

pitlith tries to bite me ; ; :(

heh and thank you guys probably not doing anything to celebrate it though ^^

This close to Turkey day I imagine it's difficult. When I get home I'll send you a present.. wait.. maybe tonight. Check your d-box in the morning ^.~
tomorrow i leave to northern cali :P i dont require gifts sassypants :P (although it never stops you)
Happy Birthday! Go steal a Thiefs knife for your birthday :D

Have a safe trip and Happy Turkeyday too Tarn :)
I was too busy helping you guys on sea access to mention it . I didnt even have a nice dinner :P love how its just another day lol. Just as it should be :D