Sassafras Calendar Girl FC/Active Member Jul 2, 2008 #1 Now.. where in the heck are you??! Well, where ever you are, hope you have a fabulous birthday ^.~
S Sojourn Banned for hotter e-lovin. Jul 2, 2008 #3 I hope you get some weights for your birthday, you scrawny ass white boy.
furax Chikubi FC/Leadership Jul 2, 2008 #5 Happy birthday Cujo, you fat son of a bitch. Go on a DIET.
Magos Shantotto Fanboy Jul 2, 2008 #8 Happy Birthday Cujo! When you come back, make sure to punch Soj in the solar plexus REALLY really hard.
Happy Birthday Cujo! When you come back, make sure to punch Soj in the solar plexus REALLY really hard.