Zeri Retainer of the House of Ultimague Jul 11, 2008 #1 Happy birthday Chamey~! Hope it was fun! :cracker:medeto:
Sassafras Calendar Girl FC/Active Member Jul 11, 2008 #2 Oh no! How did I miss a birthday ;;. Hope you had a fabulous day!!
Zeri Retainer of the House of Ultimague Jul 11, 2008 #3 Sassafras said: Oh no! How did I miss a birthday ;; Click to expand... It's not in the forum profile so don't feel bad. Think Chame tried to sneak this one past us but didn't quite make it. ~.^ Bwah ha!
Sassafras said: Oh no! How did I miss a birthday ;; Click to expand... It's not in the forum profile so don't feel bad. Think Chame tried to sneak this one past us but didn't quite make it. ~.^ Bwah ha!
furax Chikubi FC/Leadership Jul 11, 2008 #10 Can we post his hilarious mistells yet? LOL What kind of birthday would it be without a little humiliation? Happy birthday
Can we post his hilarious mistells yet? LOL What kind of birthday would it be without a little humiliation? Happy birthday
Predaking Megatron Jul 12, 2008 #12 Happy birthday!! :bfg::bfg::bfg: And I thought your birthday was the 19th, not the 9th!