Happy Belated Birthday Benny!


Retainer of the House of Ultimague
With all the other birthdays, was surprised I didn't see yours up yesterday! Happy b-day Benners. Omedetou~ ^_^
Happy birthday man! :icecream:
Happy birthday!! This Greeting is just late due to lag.. I swear.. :o

Happy Birthday! =^.^=
What's with all these fucking birthdays?

Isn't it obvious? November is a boring and dreary month with not much else to do... or maybe couples just get reeeeeallly excited about Thanksgiving.
Happy Birthday, Benny!!
happy bday!

Happy Birthday:)
Happy b-day! I bet you thought you had gotten away without one of these threads.

I would've got away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids! :)

Thanks everyone. To celebrate I ordered like another 300 dollars of manga. (._.) hehe
