Happy B-day Yelstldr;


~Lux Aeterna~
Really gotta get you a good nickname.

Hope you have a good one!

Edit: woops wrong area I think. Can a mod move this to public discussion please?
rofl Talf

Happy birthday, Yels!! :D

Hey, guess who can play Big Sips for dynamis tomorrow? I DEMAND SOME YELS ACTION!
happy birthday ronald. punch heie in the groin for us.
Happy birthday Yels. Hope you have a great one.

Heie- take care of that, kay?
Happy Birthday, Yels! =^.^=
Thanks g87s tonght was great!@ Ruby Heie and I went bar hopping whith some friends :D
Happy super mega ultra über hyper extreme awesome fantastic happy happy birthday.
Lol.. Pretty good considering how much I drank last night. Was a little dizzy when I first got up though :o