Four years ago this June, we lost a WoL who was a great Dragoon, and always willing and able to lend a hand to those we needed it.
Zero pictured at his wedding to Adna Emmerich in 2015
Today would have been Zero Ryuu's 30th birthday, so if you're playing today, please keep Zero (Paul) in your thoughts.
Now I'm gonna get my Dragoon to lv80 in his honour. Happy 30th birthday, Zero.
I'm ignoring the drama in the comments for the most part, but trust me, y'all: I'd much rather he were alive to celebrate his 30th birthday with us, than getting a few upvotes. He was the first friend I've ever lost like that, and 25 is far, FAR too young to lose someone to diabetes, or to anything at all.
But as promised, however: my lv80 DRG. I'm sure he'd be proud of me - if not outright teasing me about a terrible rotation or some such.

submitted by /u/rihkuwo
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