We are experiencing the following technical difficulties with the Hades world. The issue is currently being addressed. New updates will follow as additional information becomes available. We apologize for any inconvenience.
[Date & Time]
Dec. 9, 2009 from 23:09 (PST)
[Issue Details]
Unable to access to the following areas in Hades world.
Technical issues with the server equipment.
[Affected Areas]
- Attohwa Chasm
- Oldton Movalpolos
- Spire of Vahzl
- Riverne - Site #A01
- Dynamis - Buburimu
- Dynamis - Qufim
- Dynamis - Tavnazia
- Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba
- Abdhaljs Isle-Purgonorgo
- Silver Sea route to Al Zahbi
- Aydeewa Subterrane
- The Colosseum
- Caedarva Mire
- Southern San d'Oria
- Grauberg
- Fort Karugo-Narugo
- Jugner Forest
- North Gustaberg
- West Sarutabaruta
- Valley of Sorrows
- Ghelsba Outpost
- Beadeaux
- Sea Serpent Grotto
- Dynamis - Windurst
- King Ranperre's Tomb
- Cloister of Frost
- San d'Oria-Jeuno Airship
- Windurst-Jeuno Airship
- Metalworks
- Upper Jeuno
[Date & Time]
Dec. 9, 2009 from 23:09 (PST)
[Issue Details]
Unable to access to the following areas in Hades world.
Technical issues with the server equipment.
[Affected Areas]
- Attohwa Chasm
- Oldton Movalpolos
- Spire of Vahzl
- Riverne - Site #A01
- Dynamis - Buburimu
- Dynamis - Qufim
- Dynamis - Tavnazia
- Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba
- Abdhaljs Isle-Purgonorgo
- Silver Sea route to Al Zahbi
- Aydeewa Subterrane
- The Colosseum
- Caedarva Mire
- Southern San d'Oria
- Grauberg
- Fort Karugo-Narugo
- Jugner Forest
- North Gustaberg
- West Sarutabaruta
- Valley of Sorrows
- Ghelsba Outpost
- Beadeaux
- Sea Serpent Grotto
- Dynamis - Windurst
- King Ranperre's Tomb
- Cloister of Frost
- San d'Oria-Jeuno Airship
- Windurst-Jeuno Airship
- Metalworks
- Upper Jeuno