Hades Strat Discussion

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Just had a funny discussion about strategy in Hades EX, thought I'd share.

(ME) I need to ask

(ME) are these positions relative to the boss

(R.S) yes

(H.H) ye

(ME) or relative to the arena

(K.T) yes but also to the room

(ME) it can't be both

(K.T) so im m2 which is south

(R.S) wait

(R.S) hold on

(R.S) let me explain

(R.S) ive cleared it

(R.S) it's relative to the boss

(R.S) not to the arena

(ME) Because the boss wasn't facing north

(R.S) yeah

(ME) so I stacked NW of where the boss was facing

(A.L) Yeah iv been doing relative to the room too

(R.S) nah

(R.S) it's relative to the boss

(R.S) not to the room

(M.D) makes no snese

(H.H) oh ignore the direction he is facing

(F.S) oh ok

(ME) that's opposite of what R.S just said

(H.H) just his position on the floor matters because the shadows spread from him

(H.H) but he can face wherever

(M.D) if we do boss relative but have him facinf north it doesnt make a diff

(M.D) could just aswell say its room at that point

(ME) so is it room or boss

(ME) i need to know

(ME) because I died doing boss

(ME) and we need to all agree what it is

(H.H) boss but ignore the direction he is facing


(A.L) Then room ?

(M.D) lmao

(M.D) imagine

(H.H) No because if he is not centered you die.

(R.S) it is to the boss guys

(R.S) not the room

(M.D) theres a diff between him being centered and him facinf a specific way

(ME) We did E2s relative to boss

(ME) so I'm used to doing it that way

(K.T) yeah sorry i think ive confused matters haha

(R.S) it's fine

(R.S) so reltive to the boss then

(R.S) it's relative to the boss

(F.S) ok

(R.S) everyone good?

(K.T) yes but ignore where he is facing

(M.D) lmao

(ME) omfg

(R.S) ...

(R.S) lmfao

(M.D) ffs
submitted by /u/Azostarr
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