
Unicorns are kickass!
just got gta IV for ps3, drop me a PM or something if you want to rock and roll online.
oh hell yea, I been meaning to look up my PS3 code to tell Aqua too, this will be a good incentive to finally get off my ass and do it.

temptation to buy ps3 or 360.. increasing...
I'll be getting one of the next gen consoles just for this. I'm leaning towards xbox360, but I think i'll just get both since I want to play the next FF game, too.
Theres a bunch of crazy stuff to do online, sort of like mini-games as well as a co-op mission mode. So far all ive played is Car-jack city which is really fun (its where you get a list of cars to steal and you try to steal those cars and bring them back to the base as close to in-tact as possible. Sounds kinda lame, but its really fun online) and Team Deathmatch which is basically Battlefield 2008 where you just try to kill the other team for money in whatever way you can. Its also really fun and the most popular.

So far the game is mind blowing. Its the first game in a while that I can truly say is worth the price of blu-ray. I cant even describe to you how freaking awsome the game is. I actually spent a couple hours last night just flying a helicopter to the top of sky scrapers, exit the helicopter and just jump off the building into the traffic below. the draw distance of the game is incredible so you really get the feeling like hes actually jumping off the empire state building, and for some reason its funny every time. I know it seems sick :(

One thing I can definatly tell you is that its A LOT raunchier than the previous games...They clearly didnt hold anything back in the form of vulgarity, violence and language. But the story line (without giving too much away) is different in a way that gives the finger to all those wack politicians who say the game is turning the nation's youth into bone thugs in harmony or something, while at the same time is the absolute best story (so far), not even comparable to the other GTA games.

Anyway, Fiko there were some 60gig used systems on the Gamestop website for 429.99 (very hard to find) if you were interested. The 60gigs are the only ones with the emotion engine for ps2 BC. The 80 gig and 20 gig both have built in emulators which you have to download for each game and the 40 gig doesnt have BC at all so you may want to look into one of those used 60 gigs.

Also, if you want a new system, there is an 80gig bundled with MGS4 thats coming out in june that comes with the Dual Shock instead of that POS controller sony crapped onto our laps. I think its gonna be 499 all together.

Finally, if you dont give a crap about BC then there is a good bundle at Costco for 20 bucks off with Gran Turismo that is a 40gig (no BC) and the dual shock.

Anyway, back to jumping off buildings...


Edit: Apparently some people like to do the same thing...heres a tube vid.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
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I have to agree this game is absolutely amazing. I normally am not a big fan of GTA games, in fact I've never bought a single one in my life, though I've tried them all.

I went ahead and gave this one a chance and am 100% awestruck. The physics in the game are phenomenal as well, dunno if anyone mentioned that. And the multiplayer... /drool..

As far as PS3s go... if you have a slim ps2, just go for the 40gig.
I watch G4tv a lot, and for like the past week it's been GTA4 GTA4 GTA4!!!

This might be the final push to me getting a next-gen console finally. Was planning on a Wii.. but this game just looks so awesome, a Wii may have to wait!

Kinda need to weigh my options here.. don't like PS3's high price, but will want to play FF13.. as for 360, you have to pay for xbox live to play online don't you? I do admit however, I've always wanted to play Halo 3 x.x
Xbox charges somewhere between $50-60 a year for online play, can't remember which, and their accessories have crazy prices. I own all 3 systems, and would recommend the ps3 hands-down. It's a blu-ray player, and you could put windows or linux on it too if you really wanted. And the interface is like the PSP. The only problem is that the ps3 has a limited exclusive game collection, but that's not to say that some games on multi-platform aren't better on it. (Condemned 2 is better on 360, Lost Odyssey is the best damned RPG in a long time)

Fact is, and my system has never broken so I'm not being biased, Microsoft has a 70% failure rate on their consoles. You buy a system with a pretty high guarantee that it WILL break.

Your best bet whether you buy either system is waiting a few more months. Microsoft is going to release a new 360 with better components and an improved cooling system. Sony is going to release the MGS4 bundle. It's really a choice of which games you want to play most.

Also, the backwards compatibility on the 360 is a joke. None of the 10 "mainstream" games I own are BC.
Xbox charges somewhere between $50-60 a year for online play, can't remember which, and their accessories have crazy prices. I own all 3 systems, and would recommend the ps3 hands-down. It's a blu-ray player, and you could put windows or linux on it too if you really wanted. And the interface is like the PSP. The only problem is that the ps3 has a limited exclusive game collection, but that's not to say that some games on multi-platform aren't better on it. (Condemned 2 is better on 360, Lost Odyssey is the best damned RPG in a long time)

Fact is, and my system has never broken so I'm not being biased, Microsoft has a 70% failure rate on their consoles. You buy a system with a pretty high guarantee that it WILL break.

Your best bet whether you buy either system is waiting a few more months. Microsoft is going to release a new 360 with better components and an improved cooling system. Sony is going to release the MGS4 bundle. It's really a choice of which games you want to play most.

Also, the backwards compatibility on the 360 is a joke. None of the 10 "mainstream" games I own are BC.

haha cool beans. thanks for the info. I was leaning toward PS3 anyway.. mainly because FF13 and free online play for most games. Sounds like a 360 would cost more in the long run.

but yeah it will likely be a while, don't have money for much of anything right now, at least until after I move next month.

Then we have the Wii, which I will also likely end up getting. Main reason being Nintendo makes really fun games.

So weird.. I bought an N64 and PS1, GC and PS2, now Wii and PS3.
There's some 60gb ps3's having trouble with GTA4. Btw ash my ps3 id is Kenshinth
lol anywho back to gta4