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Date & Time: 01/01/2017 and forward
Frequency: Always.
World name: Tonberry
Character name: Sumtingwong Berrywong
Retainer name: N/A
NPC name: R'ashaht Rhiki
Monster name: N/A
Class/Level: Summoner/80
Party or solo: Solo
In-game time: N/A
Area and coordinates: Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks X: 13.1, Y 12.8
Housing: N/A

I reached Storm Captain rank in ARR 2.0 and ceased playing shortly after the launch of Heavensward. Since returning in Shadowbringers, I have been able to unlock First Storm Lieutenant by starting and completing the Squadron content. In order to unlock the last rank, Second Storm Lieutenant, online resources state I must complete a set of quests given by the NPC R'ashaht Rhiki at Maelstrom Command. This NPC does not offer any quests and the quests are not in progress nor marked as completed in my journal.

I meet all other criteria listed in gamerscape, garlond tools database and the Eorzea database. I can only assume that the update to GC ranks overhaul after I stopped playing did not account for players who had already reached the previous max rank and max level.

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