Gmt+10 Static Lf All Roles

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Hello, we are a small group of casual friends who aim to do the new raid tier, ultimates, unreal, any content together!

We only recently decided to make an official static, so positions are up for discussion~

Raid Time Zone: AEST (non-DST) +10
Tuesday: 9pm-11pm
Thursday: 9pm-11pm
(extra days in between optional)

Extra things to note:
- We'll have a discord group so we can voice chat (no requirement to speak)
- Please have patience with everything and be generally well-mannered.
- We'll all help eachother constructively but is always best to watch and study videos/mechanics of the fight beforehand too
- Please let us know if anything comes up and you can't make it before the raid time!

Feel free to DM Naruwu#5607 on Discord for any questions or if you are interested! Thank you!

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