Gimme Some Of That Personal Space..

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Whenever there is a new patch people tend to pile up on and around the new quest NPCs, so much in fact that you can barely even see them.

Since I like to read and experience the story it kinda bums me out when there are 20+ people standing on and so close around the NPCs that I can't even see what the quest NPCs are doing when I talk to them.



This can also be a problem even if there is just one single more player doing the same quest. So "Waiting for a week or two until it dies down." Isn't really a great option, especially not when you just want to enjoy the new content right away.


What I would love is if there was a toggleable option to hide player, chocobos, mounts and pets within a small radius around myself and the NPC when I'm interacting/talking with them. This way I would actually be able to see the NPCs and better immerse myself in the story.

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