From Ugly to Outstanding

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Pink petals have begun to drift upon the fresh late winter breeze, once again signaling that the Doll Festival is neigh.

The stifled squeals of girls unable to hide their anticipation add to the realm's excitement as they spring out from homes and serenade passersby on the streets.

Further enhancing this season's convivial air is the popularity of memorial dolls from the east being adopted for use in the festival. Yet for every glee-filled giggle emitted by children around this time of year, there should be an equal number of tears shed for the dolls forgotten and left gathering dust in back corner boxes. Should you feel even the slightest of watery swellings at the corners of your eyes while reading this, please, take your doll out of its box or basement and let it feel the refreshing early spring breeze and let her know you care.

Also, may the winds of fortune blow heartily upon Vana'diel's little women, bestowing them with health and happiness in the coming year. Perhaps more would be blessed with good fortune if they were to spend more precious moments with their inanimate loved ones.

Dust off this account of one such doll that remained neglected for years and see what a little love and magic can do.
