[fr] [jp] [de] [en] [pc] [ps4] The Empty: Illegible Text During A Story Cutscene

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[FR] [JP] [DE] [EN] [PC] [PS4] The Empty: Illegible text during a Story Cutscene
Date & Time: 18/02/2020
Frequency: 1/1
World name: Cerberus
Character name: Dying Breeze
Retainer name: N/A
NPC name: N/A
Monster name: N/A
Class/Level: WHM 80
Party or solo: SOLO
In-game time: N/A
Area and coordinates: The Empty (6,4 , 6,0)
Housing: N/A

[Observed results]
//// even to the crashing of thunder... Or were you simply biding you//////

Part of the dialogue is illegible due to its white text on a white,moving background.

[Expected results]
The dialogue is clear and readable,on a darker text background.

1. Log in,and launch Final Fantasy XIV on any platform.
2. Set the debug flags to allow the viewing of all cutscenes in-game.
3. Select "The Unending Journey".
4. Select "Chronicles of a New Era".
5. Select "Chronicles of a New Era - Eden".
6. Select "Blood and Thunder".
7. Select "Play".
8. Observe the illegible dialogue during Gaia's inner monologue.

[Additional Notes]
Please see the attached screenshot file related to this issue - https://imgur.com/a/q4WwjxQ
Please note this issue affects all platforms.
Please note this issue affects all languages.

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