For the Computer Savvy.


FC/Active Member
Having a problem with my comp, and it's pissing me off.. so I posted it here.

A few days ago I had a little pop-up box that said my computer was low on virtual memory or paging memory file or something along those lines, so I've been cleaning up my comp and whatnot, uninstalling unused crap and such, and I still get error messages informing me on low memory, and programs have been closing on their own, and I don't know wtf is going on. >_>
That's what happened to me after I downloaded every episode of "Desperate Housewives" but... i deleted all of those and some shitty songs.... and some old anime things I didnt want anymore then Defragged and disk clean up'd and it was fine

Try defraggin
Yeah, I deleted all my downloaded episodes of stuff, and I uninstalled Soldier of Fortune/The Sims/Rainbow Six 3, and other crap I never ever use.
  • Delete your funky avatar :D .
  • What do you have installed on your system?
  • What OS?
  • What programs loads up on startup?
  • What's your RAM size and hard drive storage size?
  • What's the page file set to?
Check pagefile like Aluciont said, also right click Taskbar and click Task Manager, then click Processes, then look at the "Mem Usage" column and see if there's any process that is using unusually more memory than the others. If so, post hte name of that process here.
delete anything that exists in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Local Settings\Temp
C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\

I don't know what OS you have, so only some of the above directories will exist.

If you are using WinXP,
Click Start > Right Click on My Computer, click properties, click advanced, click settings, click the advanced tab, click change, Choose custom size, set initial size and maximum size to 1.5 times the amount of ram you have. If you have 1024 MB of ram, set both to 1536. Click ok, reboot.

If you don't know how much ram you have, when you right click on my computer and choose properties, the general tab should show you how much you have.

Doing these things should help with the problem, but you seem to have too much shit running in general or have a process sucking resources.
I'll try and answer Alu to the best of my ability >_>

-Er, alot?
-Windows XP
-MSN, and a spyware remover
-512MB ram, 160GB hard drive
-No idea on the page file

I defragmented this morning, and it sorta went downhill. It clams up whenever I log onto windows. I guess it runs, just really, really, really bogged down.

EDIT: I got on, and got into the settings for the paging file, initially, the minimum was set to 768, and the max was set to 1536.

Having 512MB ram, 1.5 of that would be 768 - should I set both of those to 768, Fodder?
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