!! Fix Healer Rescue

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Rescue is a useful ability. It can be lifesaving and it can help save time on oGCDs etc.

When I'm partying with friends and trusted players, or if I'm running new content that others are more experienced with... I'm 100% happy to be rescued by a healer.

However, in my experience, the majority of the times I've been "rescued" by a healer... I wish I hadn't been.

In trials where we're given very small AOE safe zones (e.g. Susano, Innocence, etc.), I've had healers pull me across the map with Rescue and find myself quickly running straight into an AOE zone because the rescue happens instantaneously and I have no time to adjust. I'd be fine running out of an AOE without it.

I've also been in groups with inexperienced healers who I assume have the best of intentions, but rescue me into positions I'd rather not be in.

There are pros and cons to an ability like this. It is unique in the sense that it gives one player the ability to control another player's character by pulling them across a map into a position they're not freely choosing to be in.

Again, if I'm playing with trusted friends or more experienced players, I'm fine with letting them "Rescue" me, but in most PUGs, I'd rather control my own character than have a random stranger control my character for me with an ability.

I think there's a very simple solution to this: Give us a toggle checkbox in character config where we can toggle whether we want to let Rescue affect us on/off.

This would give players the option to allow others to control them via an ability like Rescue. They could toggle it on when they're playing with trusted friends or during content they're still learning. And we could also toggle it off to not let random PUG healers control our character position without our permission.

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