FINAL FANTASY XI Version Update (Oct. 22)

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At the following time, a version update was performed on FINAL FANTASY XI.

[Date & Time]
Oct. 22, 2012 at 11:30 (PDT)

[Affected Service]

[Update Details]


- The prices when selling the following items to NPCs have changed:
Stamina Apple / Spore Bomb / Chocobo Taping / Chocobo Blnk / Shadow Roll / Chocobo Hood / Grauberg Greens / Sharug Greens / Azouph Greens

- The following items can no longer be sold to NPCs:
Perle Solerets / Aurore Gaiters / Teal Pigaches / Perle Salade / Aurore Beret / Teal Chapeau / Perle Moufles / Aurore Gloves / Teal Cuffs / Perle Hauberk / Aurore Doublet / Teal Saio / Perle Brayettes / Aurore Brais / Teal Slops

[Issues Addressed]
The following issues have been fixed:

- The issue below has been fixed in Meeble Burrows:
An issue wherein players were immediately kicked out if every player in the party logged out and logged back in within 3 minutes whilst in the burrows.

An issue wherein the stock number of key items, ?Moblin pheromone sack? was sometimes incorrect in certain situations when talking to the NPC ?Burrow Investigator? in Upper Jeuno (I-8)

An issue wherein a confirmation window would be displayed when talking to the NPC ?Vrednev? in Sauromugue Champaign(J-7) when the party consisted of fewer than 3 members.

- In the quest ?Shattering Stars ? and corresponding quests:
An issue wherein it was only possible to challenge BF once with ?xx?s testimony?

*A bug has been confirmed when challenging BF where a message saying ?xx?s testimony has been annulled!? is displayed. The message has been fixed and BF can now be challenged up to 3 times.
In addition, ?xx?s testimony? is also returned to the PC whenever it?s possible to challenge BF again.

- During Besieged: an issue wherein when the player was KO?d and the battle ended but did not receive XP after being revived.
