FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Jun. 25)

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At the following time, we performed an update of FINAL FANTASY XI.

* An update to the client program has also been included in this update. After the following time, when you press the "Play" button, the update will begin automatically. Please follow the instructions shown on the screen at this time.

[Date & Time]
Jun. 25, 2010 at 12:00 (PDT)

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]
- An issue wherein the amount of MP absorption gained by the black magic spell "Aspir" or "Aspir II" was greater than intended has been addressed.

- An issue wherein the effect of the puppetmaster job ability "Ventriloquy" was not displaying correctly has been addressed.

- An issue wherein the logs shown when using the summoner job ability "Elemental Siphon" were not correct has been addressed.

- An issue wherein if the character uses the white magic spell "Aquaveil" while under the effect of the red mage job ability "Composure," the recast time and duration were not extended has been addressed.

- An issue wherein depending on the state of the Windurst mission "Vain," one might not have been able to advance in the quest "Face of the Future" has been addressed.

- An issue wherein the background music might stop playing after changing areas in the quest "Chasing Shadows" has been addressed.

- An issue wherein if one logged out or changed area after failing the quest "The Truth Lies Hid," one might not have been able to restart the quest has been addressed.

- The elixir is no longer retained after trading it to the NPC while progressing in the quest "The Truth Lies Hid."

- The difficulty of the "Trial of the Magians" Trials 121 and 281 have been adjusted.

- An issue wherein the screen would go black sometimes when going to Abyssea via the "Cavernous Maw" has been addressed.

- An issue wherein the screen would freeze under specific conditions in Walk of Echoes has been addressed. Due to this update, you are now able to warp to Walk of Echoes even if you do not have "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" installed.

- An issue wherein one could not purchase a bag of La Theine millet from the NPC "Ferdoulemiont" in Southern San d'Oria has been addressed.

- An issue wherein the necessary elemental strength of the following items was incorrect has been addressed.
- Neptune's Ring
- Terra's Ring
- Auster's Ring
- Jupiter's Ring
- Aquilo's Ring

- An issue wherein the graphics for the following equipment was not displayed correctly has been addressed.
- Aurum Gauntlets
- Oracle's Gloves
- Enkidu's Mittens
- Mag. Bazubands +1
- Mirage Bazubands
- Mrg. Bazubands +1
- Corsair's Gants +1

- An issue wherein the screen would go black during a cut scene in the quest "Face of the Future" has been addressed.

- An issue wherein the remaining contents were incorrectly displayed for treasure chests that would appear after defeating a monster in Abyssea has been addresses.

- An issue wherein the help message for the item "Yhel Jacket" was incorrectly displayed has been addressed.

- An issue wherein the quest log for the Abyssea - Tahrongi quest "Tangling with Tongue-twisters" did not display properly has been addressed.

- An issue wherein the item "tarnished pincer" erroneously appeared as "shriveled pincer" in event dialogue has been addressed.
