We are pleased to announce that the FINAL FANTASY XI Ultimate Collection Abyssea Edition is available for digital distribution via GameStop Impulse. For only $19.99, you can download the collection—including the award-winning original game, all four expansions (Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia, Treasures of Aht Urhgan, and Wings of the Goddess), all three add-on scenarios (A Crystalline Prophecy, A Moogle Kupo d'Etat, and A Shantotto Ascension), and all three Abyssea battle area add-ons (Vision of Abyssea, Scars of Abyssea, and Heroes of Abyssea)!
Also those who purchase the FINAL FANTASY XI Ultimate Collection Abyssea Edition will receive a special in-game bonus item: the Destrier Beret. GameStop players, dive right into a new adventure in the world of Vana'diel!
Click here and buy your copy from GameStop Impulse today!
Also those who purchase the FINAL FANTASY XI Ultimate Collection Abyssea Edition will receive a special in-game bonus item: the Destrier Beret. GameStop players, dive right into a new adventure in the world of Vana'diel!
Click here and buy your copy from GameStop Impulse today!