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WARNING! Please be warned this is a parody of #FFXIVHEALERSTRIKE

As has been discussed in this thread:


What lead to the strike:
A summary of DPS issues. - A comprehensive take from the communities DPS. https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/...-DPS-Issues
Reactions to the response for more engaging content:https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/...-beep-boop

I would like to make this the parody thread for those in support of a counter healer strike as a collective voice to the stinky healers and express the dissatisfaction with the continued direction the community has gone concerning dps gameplay and what is an personal opinion that has deemed to be malignance towards the role, as well as the healers who oppose it.

I would like to note that this thread is not serious, In any way nor intended to be offensive towards any member of the healer hivemind, The purpose of the DPS strike and this thread is to alleviate my boredom as i wait for my 40 min raid queue to pop. .

Please use this thread to meme, express your feelings in a silly billy manner, point out typos, make your own parodies, Or add your name to those who will be striking.

The strike entails that players will not be participating in group content as any of the too many available jobs to the DPS role. It is understandable that there are likely active statics that are still working on Dawntrail content and Silly mains in general who would like to finish out the current expansion. In fairness, I would like to give those DPS who wish to participate a grace period before the strike is memed.

The strike will be officially underway when Yoshida releases my Wuk Lamat waifu body pillow on Tuesday, July 2, 2028.

I appreciate your time fellow forum dweller. Let our voices and our hearts remain hidden.



Silly Old Man - Halicarnassus


Idk, Bored now.


Join the Memesistance! picscord.cahm/uninvite/NotADiscord

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