Ffxiv Launcher Not Saving Square Enix Id Even With The Earlier "fix"

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This is of cause just a minor gripe, but still something I would love to see a solution to.
I use the stand alone version of FFXIV, and can't get the launcher to save my Square Enix ID. Now, after a search, I found a "solution" and many replies of "thanks! that worked for me."

Said solution:
1.Hit windowskey-s to open the windows search.
2.Type in "Internet Options" and select the top result which opens the Internet Properties window from the control panel.
3.Click the Security tab.
4.Click the "Trusted Sites" zone.
5.Click the "Sites" button.
6.Add both https://square-enix.com and http://square-enix.com to the list of trusted sites.
7.Apply/close out of the Internet Properties window.
8.Relauch the launcher and check the "Remember Square Enix ID" button and login.

This did not work for me. I had IE11 removed, so I tried enabling that again. I rebooted my PC and tried to run the launcher as admin. I also explicitly added both https://square-enix.com and http://square-enix.com to my default browsers (chrome) allowed cookies filter, with no luck.

Also, I don't know if this is related or not, but the launcher feels very sluggish and unresponsive, and the Facebook, Twitter etc buttons on the bottom right just shows black circles for me.

Again, a minor issue. I can log in and play the game just fine. I just would like to save those 3-4 seconds I need to type in my ID every time :)

EDIT: In case it is even slightly relevant, here is my DxDiag log - https://pastebin.com/ZZf2yM5U

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