How cool would it be if they added the dress shpere costumes from FF X-2 to this game?
Prefferably not in the mog station, like as rewards from the fashion report or a similar glam oriented quest line thing or side content.
Or more glam-oriented content in general and that would prompt more space in the glamour dresser, more glam plates etc
There are a few older ff costumes not in the mog station, the cloud and squall costumes and whatnot, so why not add more that are not tied to the cash shop?
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Prefferably not in the mog station, like as rewards from the fashion report or a similar glam oriented quest line thing or side content.
Or more glam-oriented content in general and that would prompt more space in the glamour dresser, more glam plates etc
There are a few older ff costumes not in the mog station, the cloud and squall costumes and whatnot, so why not add more that are not tied to the cash shop?
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