Fc Recruiting For Both Raids And Casual Play

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Welcome to Chilis! We are a newer FC looking for new members to help us grow. We are looking for helpful and friendly people to join and make a fun and enjoyable home for all players of FFXIV. We have a rank 8 FC with a medium house in Lavender Beds and make sure to keep buffs up so everyone can benefit from them. We are always leveling alt jobs and running content together so we hope to increase our members to be able to expand our horizons.Our goal is to create a raid team to work on Savage content but will be starting with Extreme Trials in order to get everyone accustomed to the raiding playstyle. We have a few members in the FC with all crafters and gatherers capped and are always willing to help people along. We have a discord channel and try to be in there while playing to be able to chat and laugh with everyone. Feel free to leave a message here or contact either our FC leader (Minstrelle Kup) or our recruiting/raid officer (Ketchup Popsicle)

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