Favorite Antagonist Group

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I was thinking about this on my way into work today. Something about the traffic on my commute got me thinking about Antagonists (yes, I'm talking about you Mr Ford F150 cutting people off and causing a slowdown)

I LOVE the antagonists in this game, and we've gotten several of them, and in many cases, more than one per expansion of the story.

I'd love to know what you think- which antagonist "group" was your favorite? Why? What did they do for you that the others didn't?

Side note- I did find a post about a similar topic, so I don't want to rain on its parade, but I think this is slightly different. The following post is about a single antagonist in the game, but I'm limiting the breadth of the conversation by grouping antagonists to their respective expansion and size of role within it. Here's the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/aida8l/spoilers_who_do_you_think_is_the_best_antagonist/

Back to my business. Here's the groupings I decided to use. I'm sure there's room for interpretation, so fire at will if you need to switch things up, add, or subtract from the below list.

ARR- Gaius van Baelsar + Lahabrea

HW- Thordan VII + Lahabrea + Nidhogg

SB- Zenos yae Galvus + Fordola/Yotsuyu + (insert Ascian here ((I think a couple can fit in here))

ShB- Vauthry and Emet-Selch

I found this very curious- there's a mortal (well, mostly mortal) anatagonist that serves as "boots on the ground," if you will, and then the Ascian/Demi-God that really runs the show. Even in SB there's some Ascian involvement, but not to the extent of the other 3.

My pick: I have to be honest here- Of all the stories, ShB was the one I paid the most attention to because I was under a 4 month crunch to get from level 35 through everything before ShB dropped (which I started in March 2019 and finished end of June 2019, right before expac dropped), so I was rushing a bit (but not skipping enough where I didn't watch cutscenes). BUT my pick is Vauthry/Emet-Selch. As a matter of fact Emet-Selch has become one of my favorite characters/antagonists in the entire FF franchise.

The way he conducts his business is alluring. He made me laugh, and he made me sad, but he also made me angry. He was a joy to watch in the cutscenes (kudos to the VA and dev team on this guy) and in the end, the way he becomes Hades is incredible. It's a true showing of how powerful he is in comparison to other antagonists. Zenos was my favorite for a while just because of how badass he was, but the suicide thing really put me off. While Vauthry is more of a puppet than an actual threat, his story is heartbreaking, and you do feel for him. Let's not kid ourselves, when Innocence happened it was fucking dope.

I've enjoyed the antagonists in this game a whole lot. They add levels and layers to the experience that IMO only Final Fantasy can do.

I'd love to keep this conversation going, and see what you all think. Thanks!

submitted by /u/inSPECTRE_jeff
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