FATE improvement wishlist

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FATEs kinda suck, but they really don’t have to. With the right changes, I think they can scratch the Exploration Zone, non-raiding combat itch that a good number of players seem to want. The advantage FATEs have over other combat instances is that they come prepackaged with an expansion’s launch, and their barrier to entry is incredibly low. If you enter a zone, you should have a videogame to play that might actually be kinda fun. Please consider these changes, and additions to the FATE system.

Please increase the difficulty/complexity of mini boss FATEs to be around a similar level as Dawntrail dungeon bosses (or dungeon bosses in general). It seems like both non-raiders, and experienced raiders agree that the dungeon bosses from Dawntrail dungeons have been fun while still maintaining an easy, and accessible difficulty. So I think their complexity, and difficulty would be appropriate for mini boss FATEs. This is the most important request, the below requests mean nothing if FATEs are not fun to fight.

Please add more FATE chains.
I think that every ‘kill lots of enemies’ style FATES should always chain into a mini boss FATE. This would mimic how Notorious Monsters, and Critical Engagements are spawned in exploration zones. Also we just get more FATE per FATE.

Please add a world boss FATE to every zone. Six alliance raid level bosses with rewards would be available to players at the start of an expansion. And please allow us to trade in excess world boss tokens for either bicolor gems or bicolor vouchers. It would also be great if world boss FATEs from previous expansions had chance of having the bonus reward buff applied to them.

Please add more Forlorn Maiden interactions. I made a post outlining a rare ‘Forlorn Mistress’ enemy concept, so please consider it. Another change that would be great is dramatically increasing the spawn chance of Forlorn Maidens/The Forlorn in 1 or 2 zones per expansion. Increasing the spawn rate for Forlorn Maidens in a zone will make that zone great for leveling.

Please add more long term FATE rewards. A long term FATE reward I would like to see in the future is like some kind of universal accessory that increases the amount of bicolor gems you get from FATEs. Another would be a consumable item that can be bought with vouchers that forces Forlorn Maidens to spawn in FATEs you are participating in.

Some miscellaneous wants: a FATE log with achievements, and rewards for completing it, get players out of combat faster when a FATE ends, an auto sync option, don’t remove tank stance when syncing for a FATE, add bicolor gems to FATEs up to at least Heavensward zones, and add challenge log entries that reward bicolor gems for completing FATEs within your level range. I genuinely think it would be worth it to apply these improvements to FATEs in zones from previous expansions as well.

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