Explain this....


Kitteh's Meow
This is supposed to be a video of botter/packetsniffer.. but I'm not sure what the hell this video is supposed to mean.

Clicky Me, You KNOW you want to.

(Right-click and save, 2.5MB file.)

EDIT: Jonesz provokes, I see stuns and what not go off but Miffy is getting her assed kicked.... :confused:
Watched this about 30 times so far...

Looks like Miffy gets claim with voke and Jonesz uses invincible or something to steal hate. (Thus him kneeling, getting hit and not standing back up.)

I'm thinking his invincible wore got hit a few times to restore hate then dragon turned back to miffy... Dunno lol
Miffy claims a darter not faf, check the left side of the video, you see a darter chasing, i dont understand how jonez gets fafnir's attention in order to pull hate from his invincible.

All i see is him stand there and use invincible and start getting slapped. I don't know :abso-not:
I have checked a lot of times... I think the darters just happened to move on it's own. (not chasing)

Think about it, Miffy vokes then runs to put Faf into position.

Jones uses invincible to gain hate. (for some dumb reason)

From there I dunno...
I can see what you're saying about Miffy claiming a Darter, lol if I had to bet I'd give it 50/50 odds on claiming faf or darter -_-

Looking a little closer I see the first hit that Miffy takes is 80 damage flat...
Hmmm, I think it was a Darter that miffy pulled unless faf only does 80 damage to a taru pld lol

Edit: I didn't see Jones voke at all, just invincible to get the dragons attention...

Thought here... what if people had a assist macro with voke built in?
PLD uses invincible to grab attention while everyone else is spamming assist macro to try and claim.
Well, I don't know what normal pld dmg is from faf, but Mif may have had stoneskin up too. That is simply amazing (scripted/botted?) that invincible went off before Faf loaded.