Expansion Pricing

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I feel like someone should bring to their attention that the expansion pricing should have more option. For those who already bought and own previous expansions.
Shadowbringers cost 39,99 USD for example, including HW and stormblood in the package . So basically the 39,99 is the cost of 3 game bundle.
But i previously already bought the previous complete edition bundle for stormblood. For 59,99 USD. And why do I have to rebuy those just be able to add in the Shadowbringers expansion. Especially when we already paying monthly sub too. Because if I buy the 39,99 Shadowbringers. It means i would have bought HW and stormblood twice.
They should add a buying option of where it’s cheaper and you only buy the expansion you need. Because honestly even tho i love the game, it’s downright a rip off

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