Evisceration --> Steel Cyclone


Kitteh Paws


Here's one Cujo can post to his fridge

uh... wow.

Are those from behind the wyrm? They must be right? How did that work out?

They seemed to work very well actually. He didn't even flail if someone pulled hate from the back...they'd just get owned...really quickly.
Ground Strike FTW, lightlightlightlight=

although steel cyclone is certainly fuckin nuts all by its lonesome

I think Ground Strike can put up similar numbers given a sufficiently tricked out DRK/THF

benny said:
Ground Strike FTW, lightlightlightlight=

although steel cyclone is certainly fuckin nuts all by its lonesome

I think Ground Strike can put up similar numbers given a sufficiently tricked out DRK/THF


True indeed Benny.......

But i want to see a 1900-2000 damage Spiral Hell, lol

nahhhhh ground strike int based, no drks wear enough to get it as high as SC or SH

and i coulda done that but i always had to be rdm ; ;
Xerlaoth said:
nahhhhh ground strike int based, no drks wear enough to get it as high as SC or SH

and i coulda done that but i always had to be rdm ; ;

Didn't know that one... wow. I'm sure I've seen a screen somewhere of someone going 1400+ ground strike on one o' them wyrms... smart DRK + smart BRD casting Etudes?

Arch's Eviscerations were also pretty crazy, Evisceration being what it is and all (5 hits of mediocrity =.=; ) It's a shame all the good light WS are in the Frag box tho... Fusion has what, Kasha? Too bad Gekko owns it... or it feels like that anyway...

Armchair Melee