Everything record except Battle Info

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Non-Validated User
The battles information is not recorded into the DvsParse for some reason. It just shows the total number of battles, but everything else is "0"

The loot and the Raw Chat Log seems to be working fine.

I have Windows XP SP2
Installed Internet Explorer 7
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (x86)

I opened the DvsParse.exe
Went around and killed mobs
Logged out
The battle information is not there except for the # of battles.

Also, there is a Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 version out, should I upgrade to that? What seems to be the problem?
The damage filter is set to off for the log, but on-screen, there is no filter.
Not sure I understand that last comment. Do you see messages in your chat log such as "Zets misses the <so and so>" or "<Party member> hits the so and so for 45 points of damage."?
no, I only see my dmg and party's dmg on screen (above of the monsters).
Ahh, I think that's the problem. It's required you have the chat filter set so that you will see the damage in the chat log. :( The method I use to calculate everything is by reading these messages and extracting the numbers from the messages. So if you don't see the messages, the program can't know how much damage you're doing.
Ah ok, I shall try again. I'll let you know how it goes. Thx
Ok, I turned off all the damage filters and now they appear in the chat log. After some fighting, I go back to check the parse and nothing was recorded. (Battle, Loot, & Chat Log).

So I check the debug text file:

2007 3:13:51 PM - DvsChatmon_3: Attempting to connect to Final Fantasy.
3/29/2007 3:13:51 PM - DvsChatmon_3: Module FFXiMain.dll Base Address = 1A50000
3/29/2007 3:13:51 PM - DvsChatmon_3: Success attaching to Final Fantasy XI process!
3/29/2007 3:13:51 PM - Attempting to read chatlog meta info...
3/29/2007 3:13:51 PM - DvsChatmon_3: Dereferencing chat pointer.
3/29/2007 3:13:51 PM - Error dereferencing first pointer.
3/29/2007 3:13:52 PM - Attempting to read chatlog meta info...
3/29/2007 3:13:52 PM - DvsChatmon_3: Dereferencing chat pointer.
3/29/2007 3:13:52 PM - Error dereferencing first pointer.
3/29/2007 3:13:52 PM - Attempting to read chatlog meta info...
3/29/2007 3:13:52 PM - DvsChatmon_3: Dereferencing chat pointer.
3/29/2007 3:13:52 PM - Error dereferencing first pointer.
3/29/2007 3:13:53 PM - Attempting to read chatlog meta info...
3/29/2007 3:13:53 PM - DvsChatmon_3: Dereferencing chat pointer.
3/29/2007 3:13:53 PM - Error dereferencing first pointer.
3/29/2007 3:13:54 PM - Attempting to read chatlog meta info...
3/29/2007 3:13:54 PM - DvsChatmon_3: Dereferencing chat pointer.
3/29/2007 3:13:54 PM - Error dereferencing first pointer.
2007 7:24:12 PM - DvsChatmon_3: ERROR: Exception encountered while processing lines from chat log. Exception=System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

That repeats until the time I logged off FFXI which was at 7:24pm
Also when I start up DvsParse, it resets my screen resolution to 800x600, the lowest setting. I normally have it at 1440x900. So I have to go change the resolution after I launched the DvsParse and then start up FFXI.

Double Post sry.
Each time there's a major FFXI update (like the one for chocobo racing) this has a chance of happening. It's just coincidence that you tried it right after the update. I haven't had a chance to fix it yet, but everyone is experiencing the same problem right now until I release a fix. Keep checking back though, hopefully will have something in a day or two.
Ah ok. Stay tuned for the next episode of Zet's DvsParse Journey.
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