Event-Based Holidays

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I would really love to see a Holiday or event that deals with various forms of content in the game. Increasing drop rates, increasing frequency of events (FATEs), and providing a chance to revitalize those zones/types of content. The goal would be to revitalize certain types of content while still providing a lore-explanation

These would be in a similar vein to the Make it Rain event.

Event#1: The Bozjan Memorial.

An event that drops 'Memories of the Resistance' that can be traded with a Moogle in town. Bozja FATES, CLL, DR, and *maybe* some non-Bozja modes (Ivalice Raids) drop these memories. These Memories of the Resistance can be used to purchase Replica Bozjan gear specifically for glamour. Bozjan coins of various types can be purchased directly as well- or maybe even Certificates of Mettle- to let players who want to experience Bozja endgame get a boost.

SE could even release certain glamours- like Gunnhildr's weapon or glamour- as exclusive event items.

In terms of story, you're reliving the events of the Bozjan resistance and celebrating its liberation with veterans of the war. A small quest could have you reeunite with old members of the Resistance.

Let the event run for a few weeks, then do it again next year.

Event #2: The Crystal Clash:

Another idea would be a Ranked Crystalline Conflict event where players can purchase old Series Rewards from a Moogle with "PvP Medals" that are earned from both completing a match & winning a match. Either the Ranked mode provides more medals than Unranked OR Ranked is the only queue that drops those medals.

This would not only allow SE to revitalize Ranked CC, it would also allow SE to rerelease the old PvP gear and items while still retaining a level of exclusivity.


Other events could include: Palace of the Dead, Heaven on High, Eureka, and Rival Wings

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