Eureka Hydatos Weapons In 2021 Are Too Difficult To Obtain

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As the title mentioned, this post is solely about the state of obtaining weapons in Eureka Hydatos, not any other aspect of the instance.

I am someone who likes to go back to clear older achievements and relics, but Eureka Hydatos in its current state is not conducive to completing weapons. Actively entering Hydatos in my spare time consistently (and during lulls in content, its not like I expect people to be rushing to do it now), as well as putting in all of my time in the instance to spawn Notorious Monsters, I feel as if I am making no progress. Most of my time spent in Eureka is predominantly solo with only a small amount of people in the instance, and those people are predominantly focused on obtaining Bunny rewards.

Adding the Echo is simply not enough for Hydatos, NMs still take an exceptionally long time to spawn, and the crystal gain is very low. Furthermore, Hydatos weapons are physically impossible to complete solo, as Provenance Watcher scales are not obtainable via exchanging Hydatos Crystals.

I know Eureka adjustments are a low priority to the developers as it is old content, but I think all the zones excluding Hydatos are at least doable with a respectable amount of effort. I would suggest some at least from my perspective some simple changes. Significantly increase Crystal drop amounts, add exchange for Provenance Watcher scales for Crystals, and adjust the amount of monsters needed to kill for Notorious Monsters to spawn.

That or just let me exchange the items for poetics.

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