Encounter design doesn't matter if every job is tiresome to play

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Yes, this is about BLM getting gutted.
It's great that encounter design in DT is doing well. I won't be able to appreciate it because every single job in the game now feels like a chore to play. BLM was the last job that I actually had fun playing: it let me put thought and effort into my gameplay, and rewarded me for doing so. Now, BLM is... Boring. It's not fun to play. None of the jobs are fun to play.

I'm not pretending that the game should cater to me exclusively. I'm the type of player who enjoys a challenging job, despite being pretty casual. There's another type of player who doesn't enjoy a challenging job like BLM was before 7.2 gutted it. But almost every other job caters to players who don't enjoy a challenging job. BLM was the only job aimed towards players like me, and now there's nothing.

And I'm not sticking around if there's no job left for players like me, my sub's cancelled as of this morning. And I mean, that sucks? I love this game, I don't want to leave it, I hope one day there'll be a reason for me to come back. But with BLM gutted there's nothing left for me here.

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