'Ello 'Ello (again!)

Rektify Mk. II

New Member
Hey there Ultima peeps and Valefore folk! I just wanted to say hello again and catch up with y'all. I've sorta kept up with the people on vent but I figured I'd drop a line here as well. How is everyone doing? Anyone have a completed relic yet? :O How about a Maat's Cap? I guess I'm just a nostalgia freak but I hope all is well. Cheers, have some ice cream: :icecream::icecream::icecream:

Lol, nice to hear from you again! No big things like that, but Pete is close to Maat's cap. He's got all the exp, just needs the fights~

As far as relic goes, Sassafras is close to her horn.
Hey Rek, nice to hear from you. :) I just got my Byakko pants, Tuesday! Still in shock about that. Thank you for the pop items you gave me a long time ago. :D
Heya Rek! Glad to hear from ya! Sadly I have nothing cool in game to report. :( Been RL'd pretty hard between surgery, working 2 jobs, trying to buy a house, and maybe? planning a wedding.

Lotta shit goin on. /dies o_o

But I hope all is going well for you. :) Haven't heard from ya in ever so wasn't sure.
Ah, the ladies respond in force! Heh, well I'm glad you finally got those damned pants Yels, that's great. I'm sorry to hear about all that Zeri, but hopefully things get easier for ya.

Heie, you were right, the Chrono series kicks ass.

I'm doing much better nowadays, getting up, going to work and in the meantime heading to H. College to become ---- something. Maybe a teacher...
Good luck on the career search on finding what you want to be Rek. Slowly things seem to be coming together for me so i should be able to finally play again soon :D
Teacher is cool. Though I'm still secretly rooting for lawyer. Then I can make Phoenix Wright jokes to infinity. :D

hi everyone. i am still alive. and now engaged. good times. hi rek.

to aang: he cant afford me.

I'm always trolling the forums but had to deactivate the accounts again. But here is a face to keep you occupied until next time (*^. ^*)/
We will see. Took GMAT Monday and then applied yesterday for Grad School in the fall. Might reactivate for the summer or something, but playing things by ear.