Egg Helm An-egg-dote

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As eggs-pected, the Egg Hunt will soon tumble into the three nations, signaling the sunny and sing-song onset of spring, kupo!

Won't you welcome the wonders of this wickedly warm season with us by collecting copious amount of carefully-ordered initial eggs, kupo?

If you're afraid of cracking your shell on the first try, start with an eggs-eedingly easy challenge—bring in bird babies brushed with the first three letters of your name! Once you've fried up your "First 3" combination, feel free to find a moogle—much like me—and hand it over for eggs-eptional rewards, kupo!

We heartily hope you hunt down a panoply of these painted party favors and walk away with an abundance of amazing artifacts, for countless combinations exist, kupo!

What was that? Some skeptical speculators question how we could possibly amass this awe-inspiring amount of awards, kupo?

Then bury your beak in this hard-boiled tale of time travel and trickery and find out for yourself.
