Eden's Verse (savage) Pf Strat Terms

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This is mainly for those new to PF and people in statics trying to practice / do weeklies on PF and are not used to the terms used in PF.

Eden's Verse: Fulmination (E5S)

TN / True north: The position picked at the start for Fury's Fourteen will be fixed no matter where the boss is.

Boss Relative: The position picked at the start for Fury's Fourteen is based on where the boss will jump to, to keep melees always in front of the boss / healers at the back for melee uptime.

CL triangle: The party splits into two groups (also chosen before the fight) left and right of the boss and the chain passes in a triangle between healer, melee and ranged. Tanks are kept out of the chain mechanic.

CL clock positions: The party picks clock positions at the start of the fight and the chain is passed to the person on the left.

Eden's Verse: Furor (E6S)

Tethers: This is for Hands of Flame tethers from Ifrit and Raktapaksa. 90% of the parties will handle this as T/H spread north, DPS spread south, but does not apply to the last set of tethers that come with enumeration, which are handled in your intercardinal spot.

Conflag spread: Mostly DPS west, T/H east or the other way.

Conflag DPS in/out/in: DPS will start from the side of the boss they spread before and dodge aoes into the boss, then step back, then back in. Make sure this is discussed in the instance, not always written in the PF desc

Conflag DPS across: DPS will start from the side of the boss they spread before and dodge aoes while running through the boss. Make sure this is discussed in the instance, not always written in the PF desc

Conflag enumeration groups: Some groups keep static waymarks for north T/H, south T/H and one DPS (his tethered partner follow him to the same waymark) and the last 2 DPS adjust, some wing all 4 DPS. Make sure this is discussed in the instance, rarely written in the PF desc

Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (E7S)

Crossed tethers: https://i.imgur.com/RQN6xcD.png

DPS are spread like in the image, first left tether goes top right, second left tether goes second right, first right tether goes top left, second right tether goes second left. T/H stay mid in 2 groups It's the safest for DPS positioning.

Not crossed tethers / Fox strat: https://i.imgur.com/hO1vV7O.png

DPS go on their corresponding side, but must land on the very edge or they will clip / kill another DPS. Easier to understand but much stricter positioning.

Ilya strat: https://i.imgur.com/VkN8wux.png

Seriously don't do that unless you absolutely hate your DPS and hate uptime.

Adds will either be teleport ahead or teleport to the other add, if it's not listed in PF it might be discussed in the instance.

Eden's Verse: Refulgence (E8S)

Light rampant uptime strat: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/f86jwe/e8s_light_rampant_uptime_strat_for_pf/

Light rampant Ilya strat: https://youtu.be/jA0SMoZXjJE?t=589 (no tl;dr because he likes to talk a lot)

Light rampant orbs across: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y_1zRP8hUH_Js32dYFhIZYx1tjnM3kucBEBqB8ys7qg/preview (under fight strategy)

This is what is used on Primal, so if the other DCs have a strat used in PF and not listed here let me know and I'll add it.

submitted by /u/Hakul
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