Dynamis is a failure. Can the worlds on this DC be feasibly re-shuffled to other DCs?

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Let's get to the cold facts. Dynamis was a misguided failure. There isn't a large enough population to sustain the DC. Most leave for Aether/Crystal for dailies, raids, and more. Just look at Kraken's housing wards which are 95% empty, it is just a total dead zone.

I don't know how DC's work, so forgive me for my ignorance. But it seems like to me the only way the worlds on Dynamis survive is to fold them into Aether, Primal and Crystal. Split them up and shuffle them into each DC, so we have three North American DCs again with more worlds.

Is this even feasible? Can these worlds be moved and re-arranged? I just don't see the situation getting better here. I am on Seraph, which has the largest population, and roulette is a nightmare. I've waited 30-45 minutes for a single duty, so I simply don't do dailies anymore. I came here for housing, but feel stuck in purgatory. Yoshi P has to be aware that no one feels enticed to come here. Something has got to give.

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