Dyemongers Hate This Dirty Secret

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PSA: If you plan on using one of the premium/expensive dyes on a piece of glamour, do it before you add it to your dresser. This will mean that the gear is dyed with that color every time you choose it for any of your plates. Then, if there's ever a time you want that piece to have a different color, dye the slot on the Glamour Plate, not the gear itself. This will color your glam when you apply the plate, but the original piece in the dresser will still have the premium dye on it, which means when you want to change it back or use it on a different plate, you won't have to burn another premium dye.

You can also still apply dye to your gear as you are wearing it, which will override the plate color, but will be overridden again the next time you apply the plate. This means you should never use a premium dye this way because it is far too easy to accidentally remove the color as soon as you re-glamour over that piece of gear.

submitted by /u/DW_Lurker
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