Duty List Is Screwed Up When In Ishgard After Unlocking Firmament

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Date & Time: 2020/03/26 1:34p EDT
Frequency: Every time I'm in Ishgard
World name: Faerie
Character name: Hetero Upsetero
Class/Level: DRK/71
Party or solo: Solo
In-game time: 1:30am
Area and coordinates: Ishgard

Description: After unlocking the Firmament and talking to all requisite people inside, the Duty List is messed up. Inside the Firmament, I see the current status of the Restoration on top, and my five most recent quests below. When I leave the Firmament but remain in Ishgard, the Duty List shows the Restoration status but not my five recent quests. When outside Ishgard entirely, the quests display correctly. There are three screenshots below, in that order, showing the issue.

Progressing quests in the list (one in Ishgard, one elsewhere), logging out and back in, and closing the game entirely and relaunching it did not fix the issue. In case it's relevant, I should mention that I don't have a single crafter or gatherer unlocked on this character.




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