Does anyone else hear it?


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Remind you of any game soundtrack? Or am I just nuts? :arg:
I've never thought of that, then again I've never listened too closely to Swagger. I wouldn't doubt that it has a game track on it.
That's M.I.A. and damn I can't get enough of her voice. Don't know were the beat is from though. Sounds a lot like an old school game too...and for some reason Super Mario keeps coming up in my head.
The hook repeats:

No one on the corner have swagger like us
Swagger like us, swagger swagger like us
pretty sure its either bowsers castle theme chopped the fuck up or the music when donkey kong takes the chick up the ladder in the beginning of the old arcade game
lmao that's my Joint!!!! Kayne West, with Jay z, and T.I.P..the track is tough... how ya'll doin'? lol I'm trollin'.. wanted to see how you guys are haha.
Hey Val! How's life?