Does anyone else dislike that everything rests in the same day Tuesday?
I'm not posting this because I want it to change. CB3 are not going to change anything unless they 'have' to and they can limp along with this too. (Or not limp if everyone thinks this is perfect)
But something I see a lot is that different tier communities don't mix, and it's because of reset Tuesday.
"I can't I'm raiding"
And then other people don't want to wait either, because they don't want to delay on their chance to clear or reattempt clearing for that one grear drop they want etc...
And so the various difficulty communities don't interact with each other much when I it would sorely benefit the game if they did more.
(Edit: would be better to reverse the order, but you get the idea)
Reset alliance on Monday
Normals on Tues
unreal on Wed
Savage on Thursday
Ultimate on Fri
Chloe's on Sat
(Non instance timers whenever)
Also, Extremes would benefit from some sort of weekly reward to 'encourage' people to make an 'occasion' of getting together, or saying 'hi join me for Ex?'. Instead Ex is this invisible content that is never an 'occasion' and noone talks about. Which is terrible, because at the moment it's your best bet of breaking out of "just the daily roulettes"
...or something like that.
Maybe the exact days which content resets changes because maybe high end needs to reset 'just' after WE etc. But you get the idea.
But it seems a shame that High end doesn't 'naturally' mix with the tier bellow that, and the, tier below that etc., because on Tuesday everyone splits off and does 'their' highest content, and then people reverse back down the difficulty on subsequent days.
So savage raiders are never free to 'mix' with casuals when they say "join me for alliance or normals?" On Tuesday
and the same for "join me for unreal"?
"Join me for Chloe's" etc..
You just might strengthen a few friendships, and you just might get a few people mixing a little bit more in worlds where unreal is a thing, and where savage is a thing.
For all the time I used to play for four years high'er' end tier players just did not mix with each other, it was 'rare' to actually 'play' together.
It did happened, but now I look and think back, it's been pretty rare. Always "what are those players doing? I never see them in things? I never run content with them? Do they all completely stop doing lower content? What is a week in the life of a raider? I never see them?"
Just wondering. I know it's not going to change, because (lots of reasons that are irrelevant because it's not going to change). But just wondering?
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I'm not posting this because I want it to change. CB3 are not going to change anything unless they 'have' to and they can limp along with this too. (Or not limp if everyone thinks this is perfect)
But something I see a lot is that different tier communities don't mix, and it's because of reset Tuesday.
"I can't I'm raiding"
And then other people don't want to wait either, because they don't want to delay on their chance to clear or reattempt clearing for that one grear drop they want etc...
And so the various difficulty communities don't interact with each other much when I it would sorely benefit the game if they did more.
(Edit: would be better to reverse the order, but you get the idea)
Reset alliance on Monday
Normals on Tues
unreal on Wed
Savage on Thursday
Ultimate on Fri
Chloe's on Sat
(Non instance timers whenever)
Also, Extremes would benefit from some sort of weekly reward to 'encourage' people to make an 'occasion' of getting together, or saying 'hi join me for Ex?'. Instead Ex is this invisible content that is never an 'occasion' and noone talks about. Which is terrible, because at the moment it's your best bet of breaking out of "just the daily roulettes"
...or something like that.
Maybe the exact days which content resets changes because maybe high end needs to reset 'just' after WE etc. But you get the idea.
But it seems a shame that High end doesn't 'naturally' mix with the tier bellow that, and the, tier below that etc., because on Tuesday everyone splits off and does 'their' highest content, and then people reverse back down the difficulty on subsequent days.
So savage raiders are never free to 'mix' with casuals when they say "join me for alliance or normals?" On Tuesday
and the same for "join me for unreal"?
"Join me for Chloe's" etc..
You just might strengthen a few friendships, and you just might get a few people mixing a little bit more in worlds where unreal is a thing, and where savage is a thing.
For all the time I used to play for four years high'er' end tier players just did not mix with each other, it was 'rare' to actually 'play' together.
It did happened, but now I look and think back, it's been pretty rare. Always "what are those players doing? I never see them in things? I never run content with them? Do they all completely stop doing lower content? What is a week in the life of a raider? I never see them?"
Just wondering. I know it's not going to change, because (lots of reasons that are irrelevant because it's not going to change). But just wondering?
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