Do you think the game will ever get better and if so when?

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I recently took a vacation off ffxiv to broaden my horizons. i've always been a 1 game andy and desperately afraid of being on my own for more than five minutes... so the idea of not playing ffxiv was like having a part of myself gutted. i kept making excuses why i should keep playing the game
- my friends are here (yea like all 3 of them)
- how will I function without my wol for FIVE minutes
- new games are scary and I cba learning the controls
- there's no other good MMOs on the market rn that fill in ffxiv
(greetings from MHWilds)

but after finally cutting the umbilical cord i was able to take a look at the game in hindsight (and yea, a week isnt enough to form that but its been something i've been thinking about since 6.3)
- I noticed when playing wilds what REAL gameplay felt like and its great to see a game that CARES about its lore!
- I noticed when watching sonic 3 what GOOD compelling storytelling looks like.
- I noticed when replaying some of the older title like kingdom hearts how good boss battles and combat systems can look!

it all got me thinking.. im looking for something.. that i just DON'T find in ffxiv. i'm even starting to wonder if i EVER found it. SEGA listens to its fans, CAPCOM listens to the feedback, SQUARE used to put quality and ingenuity first... but with ffxiv.. i don't feel hopeful things will get better.. im dreading they just always stay the same, because that's all we've ever seen. And so i put it to you, what do YOU think? is there hope or is ffxiv an unavoidable sinking ship
- if the latter, what's keeping you around

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