As level increases beyond level 64, abilities that state "Convert a portion of damage dealt into HP" begin to convert an increasingly smaller portion of damage. The conversion percent at and below level 64 is a flat percent, but above level 64 the leech percents become wild and unpredictable (other than their downward trend).
Date & Time: 12:00 AM EST
Frequency: Always
World: Exodus
Character Name@Home World: Aloise Nel'hah@Exodus
Retainer Name: None
NPC Name: None
Monster Name: Any Striking Dummy or FATE enemy
Class/Level: Scholar, Melee DPS, Warrior, levels 64-80
Party or Solo: Solo
Race: F Miqo'te
In-Game Time: 7:00 AM ET
Area and Coordinates: Multiple maps scattered across the game.
Housing: None
Whether or not this behavior is intentional is entirely unknown. The amount of leech lost per level seems somewhat arbitrary - it isn't a smooth descent. Sometimes the jump is over 1%, sometimes it's closer to 0.5%. What raises my eyebrow the most is the existence of this leech tapering in the middle of an expac's levels. I would simply like confirmation about whether this is intentional or the result of some server-side calculation gone wrong.
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Date & Time: 12:00 AM EST
Frequency: Always
World: Exodus
Character Name@Home World: Aloise Nel'hah@Exodus
Retainer Name: None
NPC Name: None
Monster Name: Any Striking Dummy or FATE enemy
Class/Level: Scholar, Melee DPS, Warrior, levels 64-80
Party or Solo: Solo
Race: F Miqo'te
In-Game Time: 7:00 AM ET
Area and Coordinates: Multiple maps scattered across the game.
Housing: None
- Using various FATEs, activate level sync so that your level is synchronized to 64.
- Using any of the target jobs, use an ability with a health-stealing effect. These actions are: Energy Drain (SCH), Bloodbath (melee DPS), Life Surge (DRG), and Nascent Flash (WAR).
- For abilities available at level 64, note how much health is stolen based on damage.
- For Energy Drain (SCH), the amount is 50% of damage dealt. You can confirm this by dealing an even amount of damage.
- For Bloodbath (melee DPS) and Life Surge (DRG), the amount of 25% of damage dealt. You can confirm this by dealing an amount of damage divisible by 4.
- Nascent Flash (WAR) is not available at level 64.
- Using other FATEs, continually increase the level to which you are synced. Observe how the leeched damage percent decreases as your level increases.
- At level 65, Energy Drain leeches for ~48.80%, Bloodbath/Life Surge leech for ~24.38%
- Note that the decrease in percent for Energy Drain is double that of Bloodbath/Life Surge, and that the initial leech value is also double.
- At level 65, Energy Drain leeches for ~48.80%, Bloodbath/Life Surge leech for ~24.38%
- This pattern continues all the way to level 80, where Energy Drain leeches for ~33.88%, and Bloodbath/Life Surge leech for ~16.93%.
- Again note how the overall leech% lost by the latter abilities is half that of Energy Drain.
- As WAR does not unlock Nascent Flash until level 76, begin level synced there for WAR.
- Note that Nascent Flash heals for ~50.15% of damage dealt. This can be observed by dealing an even amount of damage, and receiving slightly more than half the damage back in HP.
- At level 80, note that Nascent Flash heals for ~48.62% of damage dealt.
- Think back to Stormblood. This same issue existed then, where leeches were full-strength at level 64, but began tapering off in strength at level 65.
- Recall how the amount of leech lost hasn't changed from Stormblood to Shadowbringers. That is, Energy Drain went from 50% (level 64) to 48.80% (level 65) in both expansions
- Think back to Heavensward. Leech tapering did not exist then.
- Think back to ARR. Leech tapering did not exist then.
Whether or not this behavior is intentional is entirely unknown. The amount of leech lost per level seems somewhat arbitrary - it isn't a smooth descent. Sometimes the jump is over 1%, sometimes it's closer to 0.5%. What raises my eyebrow the most is the existence of this leech tapering in the middle of an expac's levels. I would simply like confirmation about whether this is intentional or the result of some server-side calculation gone wrong.
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