Did PvP get worse? I took a small break and came back after all the PvP changes and just wanted to get an idea of people's thoughts.
-Locking cc(crowd-ctrl) behind gap closers: who in their right mind thought this was a good idea? PvP is situational and having to waste both your cc and your gap closer at the same time just doesn't make any sense. (i.e. PLD)
-Locking cc/beneficial skills behind abilities: (i.e. SAM/RDM, etc) In the case of RDM, the only real purpose of stun is to attempt to save yourself after your barrier is fully absorbed? That's such a niche usage...
-Also NIN doton - shukuchi trick no longer works in PvP? Anyone could've learned how to do it. But now they're literally stopping good players from excelling and making everything dumbed down so that even a bad player can do as well as a good player.
-MNK: I'm not gonna get into too much details but is it even viable now? It seems like it's heavily reliant on decent teammates now, whereas before you can take out priority targets to tip the scales in a fight. Now it's no cc (crowd-ctrl), ranged focused, animation delay, nerfed LB (no more KB-LB combo?). Is MNK even considered a carry anymore?
-BLM: cast times (no more LB instacast)... in CC (Cystalline Conflict)... seriously?
-I did like the changes (slight upgrades) to MCH, DRG, AST, WHM, RPR, WAR.
-SAM, NIN pretty much plays the same but it feels not as fluid with the slight changes (mainly the NIN doton-shukuchi trick).
-SGE, DNC are pretty much the same as before unless I'm mistaken.
-DRK, PLD, GNB I've got mixed feelings for even though the playstyle is pretty much still the same.
-SCH, RDM, MNK, BLM seems so underwhelming and/or team reliant. I don't think you can even carry with RDM/MNK anymore, so what's their purpose? Sustained dmg? In ANY PvP game, sustained dmg is the dumbest thing ever. You're basically ticking away at enemy HP/wasting their resources, hoping that your teammates know how to burst properly - and if your team doesn't, that enemy isn't dying.
-No comment on BRD and SMN, I haven't got around to playing them yet.
-I honestly thought they were gonna change VPR and PCT to match the previous meta, but they went the opposite route and tried to match the other Jobs to the VPR/PCT playstyle. /facepalm.
/endrant. I would definitely like some insights/opinions. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.
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-Locking cc(crowd-ctrl) behind gap closers: who in their right mind thought this was a good idea? PvP is situational and having to waste both your cc and your gap closer at the same time just doesn't make any sense. (i.e. PLD)
-Locking cc/beneficial skills behind abilities: (i.e. SAM/RDM, etc) In the case of RDM, the only real purpose of stun is to attempt to save yourself after your barrier is fully absorbed? That's such a niche usage...
-Also NIN doton - shukuchi trick no longer works in PvP? Anyone could've learned how to do it. But now they're literally stopping good players from excelling and making everything dumbed down so that even a bad player can do as well as a good player.
-MNK: I'm not gonna get into too much details but is it even viable now? It seems like it's heavily reliant on decent teammates now, whereas before you can take out priority targets to tip the scales in a fight. Now it's no cc (crowd-ctrl), ranged focused, animation delay, nerfed LB (no more KB-LB combo?). Is MNK even considered a carry anymore?
-BLM: cast times (no more LB instacast)... in CC (Cystalline Conflict)... seriously?
-I did like the changes (slight upgrades) to MCH, DRG, AST, WHM, RPR, WAR.
-SAM, NIN pretty much plays the same but it feels not as fluid with the slight changes (mainly the NIN doton-shukuchi trick).
-SGE, DNC are pretty much the same as before unless I'm mistaken.
-DRK, PLD, GNB I've got mixed feelings for even though the playstyle is pretty much still the same.
-SCH, RDM, MNK, BLM seems so underwhelming and/or team reliant. I don't think you can even carry with RDM/MNK anymore, so what's their purpose? Sustained dmg? In ANY PvP game, sustained dmg is the dumbest thing ever. You're basically ticking away at enemy HP/wasting their resources, hoping that your teammates know how to burst properly - and if your team doesn't, that enemy isn't dying.
-No comment on BRD and SMN, I haven't got around to playing them yet.
-I honestly thought they were gonna change VPR and PCT to match the previous meta, but they went the opposite route and tried to match the other Jobs to the VPR/PCT playstyle. /facepalm.
/endrant. I would definitely like some insights/opinions. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.
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