Diadem 3.0 Is Terrible Content

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As someone who did a stupid amount of Diadem 2.0, Diadem 3.0 is a huge disappointment. I'm not saying Diadem 2.0 was good content at all- it wasn't. I only had fun achievement hunting because of the group I frequently ran with. By the end, I hated anything and everything that had to deal with Diadem, to include the people.

I had hoped that there would be more unique funtions to Diadem than the Aetherial Auger. Instead, its that and the timed interval of Umbral weathers that allows you to collect the Artisanal materials. I haven't touched fishing in there yet, but from what I understand it follows the same concept (minus the auger).

I am really shocked that they changed so much from Diadem - Trials of the Matron to the newest iteration of Diadem (3.0). I wouldn't have been surprised if they used a similar formula to the previous iteration, gather X amount of times to unlock the use of the aetherial gaps, and the areas under the gaps had ephemeral nodes- which could have new skybuilder unique items that we would gather as a collectible to turn in towards the restoration efforts. Instead, we get our materials "approved" in stacks of 10, which means that it can take up to twice as much inventory if you weren't lucky enough to get all materials gathered in the correct amounts. You also have to deal with the nodes being entirely random in what they contain- good luck if you need one specific material!

All in all, this is empty content that won't last even as long as the original Diadem. I expected nothing and I was still let down.

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