Devs: Please add auto-kick for disconnected players in Frontline

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Title is the tl;dr

Auto-kick removes AFK players, but not disconnected ones. The following happened today which also illustrates another problem.

Waiting for the match to start, someone in my alliance apologizes that a RL crisis means they have to leave, and asks to be dismissed.

You cannot initiate a dismiss vote until 5 mins have elapsed, so we're down a player for 5 minutes.

15:00 pops up so I start the vote with "disconnected" selected. After a while I get the "rejected" notification. Er, wut?

Try again. Same result.

I then asked very nicely if everyone could accept the vote since this player was DC'd and had specifically requested we do this.

Third vote goes through.

I give the above details because it illustrates the need for automatic action against AFK/DC'd/lethargic players cos yer typical Frontliner don't give a crap.

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