Date & Time: 30 oct 2019
Frequency: All the time
World name: Louisoix
Character name: Arik Lotro
While desynthing fishes (360 CUL desynth level), I noticed that after desynth buff (+40 potion, +20 food so 360+60=420 ), my "new level" doesn't appear in the tooltip menu just before desynth, and i was not elligible for rare items bonus while desynthing lvl 403 fishes, even though i should have the bonus.
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Frequency: All the time
World name: Louisoix
Character name: Arik Lotro
While desynthing fishes (360 CUL desynth level), I noticed that after desynth buff (+40 potion, +20 food so 360+60=420 ), my "new level" doesn't appear in the tooltip menu just before desynth, and i was not elligible for rare items bonus while desynthing lvl 403 fishes, even though i should have the bonus.
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