Get your shovels and subligar a-ready, because the next version update will soon be upon us! December will bring wonder into areas both subterranean and submarine, with expansions and adjustments to Meeble Burrows and Salvage Content, as well as a host of other battle- and system-related changes.
[dev1140] Meeble Burrows
[dev1139] Job Ability Adjustments: Perfect Defense / Tabula Rasa
[dev1138] Bard Job Adjustments
[dev1137] Salvage Battlefield Expansion
Discover the treasures of this update from any of the links above!
[dev1140] Meeble Burrows
[dev1139] Job Ability Adjustments: Perfect Defense / Tabula Rasa
[dev1138] Bard Job Adjustments
[dev1137] Salvage Battlefield Expansion
Discover the treasures of this update from any of the links above!