Dancers, Maidens of the Battlefield (10/22/2007)

Edit: I can still see something like a flamenco dancer for male Dancer AF. The hat would beat out even the RDM pimp hat for pure style and coolness. ^_^

Looking further into the source of Galuf's outfit I believe they modeled it after a south american male dancer's outfit. The sleeve colors are in fact probably ruffles. Oh dear god I hope they go with a cooler flamenco dancer. Could you imagine anyone willingly wearing an AF if it looked like THIS guy?

I can see them making pantaloons similar to smn or whm pants but with multicolor layers. I think that'd be even worse than a subligar. UGH -_-

Male flamenco would be soooo much hotter. Please, please PLEASE!
Yes, that last picture is more along the lines of what I was thinking. ^_^
hope they go with a cooler flamenco dancer. Could you imagine anyone willingly wearing an AF if it looked like THIS guy?

wtf.. that first picture is just Frightening! ... and that's calypso, not flamenco FYI

Flamenco ~

Man's hat? lol - I think this is a Mariachi thing

oh found the Castanet picture I was looking for.. if it is Flamenco & not calypso
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Then there is Rumba... lmao


Not quite as bad as Calypso.. but worse than Flamenco XD
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Man's hat? lol - I think this is a Mariachi thing
Ack, for some reason that's the one I was thinking of, but on reflection I don't think it would look very good in-game. Or probably in real life either. >_>

I take it all back. :p
That black hat reminds me of the Hamburgler... bunch of little McD's dudes running around shaking their butt's. *shudder*

Though, out of boredom, I did notice they were a bit explicit on what the Dancers could do. I hadn't read it close enough (I got to dances and kinda dozed off):

Dancing was found to not only encourage and instill morale in the practitioner's companions (buffs like bards), but the most instinctual of dancers were found to be able to achieve an almost trancelike state (imbuing themselves with transcendental powers (Absorb-esque type while stunning themselves?) that could weaken their enemies with the sublime suggestiveness of their movements.

Still, I'm ready to hear about something new... something exciting, something Geomancerish. (^_^)
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wtf.. that first picture is just Frightening! ... and that's calypso, not flamenco FYI

Win for sass on accuracy! I knew the first one wasn't flamenco. But I did not know it was calypso. But I figured the second pic with the guy that was, you know, actually hot? I thought that was flamenco due to the actual title.


So the dude above making the Y in the YMCA isn't flamenco? Interesting. Oh well. He's cute.

How about this one I linked to below? And this guy actually has a hat too. Might look great for dancer, no idea of actual cultural accuracy before I dare to declare it flamenco.

Lastly, out of curiosity, what's the differnece in costume between rumba and calypso? They both look frilly and gay.

So the dude above making the Y in the YMCA isn't flamenco? Interesting. Oh well. He's cute.

This could be a Flamenco guy w/o a jacket. Sometimes they wear hats like the pom-pom one above but w/o pom-poms lol. But the Flamenco outfit is usually 1 peice pants & vest with a white shirt under. Sometimes they have boldero jackets, sometimes they have hats. Guess it just depends on the region of Spain. Yes your link looks like a Flamenco outfit.

Flamenco = spanish gypsy dance with castanets usually to just guitar music.

Rumba comes from Cuba. It's a lot like Tango.
"The "rumba influence" came in the 16th century with the black slaves imported from Africa. The native Rumba folk dance is essentially a sex pantomime danced extremely fast with exaggerated hip movements and with a sensually aggressive attitude on the part of the man and a defensive attitude on the part of the woman. The music is played with a staccato beat in keeping with the vigorous expressive movements of the dancers. Accompanying instruments include the maracas, the claves, the marimbola, and the drums."

Calypso is caribbean with a lot of drums, particualarly steel drums and is from Trinidad.
I think the most obviously superior Male Dancer AF would simply be a Right Said Fred 'I'm Too Sexy' T-Shirt.

Yes, that's right.

I went there.
I think the most obviously superior Male Dancer AF would simply be a Right Said Fred 'I'm Too Sexy' T-Shirt.

Yes, that's right.

I went there.

If there is a /ja that lets you rip your shirt off, like in the video, i'm totally playing dancer.